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Datengetriebenes Employer Branding erklärt

September 5, 2023

In diesem Artikel werden wir in die Welt des datengesteuerten Employer Brandings abtauchen. Wir beschäftigen uns mit Themen wie der Relevanz & Chancen von Daten, Arten sowie mit Beispielen zur Gewinnung und Nutzung.

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Johanna Ehses

I am Johanna Ehses and my passion is helping companies with their employer branding. I think employer branding is an important strategic measure to increase a company's success, and that's why I share my knowledge with companies and employees to make it easy to understand, accessible, and successful. Besides employer branding, I am also interested in Branding, Diversity, and Inclusion. This means that I involve everyone by providing knowledge, sharing my experiences, and ensuring everyone has access to information like this - because knowledge has always been the first step to change.

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