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employer branding Johanna

6 Erfolgsfaktoren für deine Corporate Influencer Strategie

September 5, 2023

In diesem Artikel geht es um Corporate Influencer im Employer Branding – also darum, wie du Markenbotschafter in deinem Unternehmen nutzen kannst, um die Arbeitgebermarke zu stärken. Meine fünf Tipps für die ersten Schritte habe ich in diesem Artikel für dich zusammengefasst.

Hier weiterlesen:

Johanna Ehses

I am Johanna Ehses and my passion is helping companies with their employer branding. I think employer branding is an important strategic measure to increase a company's success, and that's why I share my knowledge with companies and employees to make it easy to understand, accessible, and successful. Besides employer branding, I am also interested in Branding, Diversity, and Inclusion. This means that I involve everyone by providing knowledge, sharing my experiences, and ensuring everyone has access to information like this - because knowledge has always been the first step to change.

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